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Fresh Fragrance
Caudalie Eau FraƮche Soleil des Vigne 50ml is a fresh, sun-kissed fragrance that will enchant you all summer long. With notes of Coconut, Jasmine, Orange Blossom and Mandarin, this fragrant water will become your summer ally. Rich in essential oils and trace-element-rich plant waters, it refreshes and tones. Non-photosensitizing, it allows you to perfume your body and hair with a delicious veil of summer notes. Use in addition to or instead of your usual Eau de Toilette. Can be worn in the sun (non-photosensitizing). Perfume your linens (sheets, towels) with Eau FraƮche.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Caudalie Eau FraƮche Soleil des Vigne 50ml is a fresh, sun-kissed fragrance that will enchant you all summer long. With notes of Coconut, Jasmine, Orange Blossom and Mandarin, this fragrant water will become your summer ally. Rich in essential oils and trace-element-rich plant waters, it refreshes and tones. Non-photosensitizing, it allows you to perfume your body and hair with a delicious veil of summer notes. Use in addition to or instead of your usual Eau de Toilette. Can be worn in the sun (non-photosensitizing). Perfume your linens (sheets, towels) with Eau FraƮche.
Perfume concentration Eau De Toilette Width 3.30 cm Length 3.30 cm Brand Caudalie Net weight 180.00 g Gross weight 185.00 g Country France Perfume concentration Eau De Toilette Sold by AeliaDutyFree Promotions & Discounts No -
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