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Instant Concealer - Smoothing, Long-Lasting, Revives tired eyes
Want refreshed, radiant eyes all day? Instant Concealer provides customised correction for all types of dark circles. It is tinted to mask the colour of dark circles while restoring the skin's natural tone. Its fluid texture blends flawlessly into the skin and smoothes the eye contour area.
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Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Want refreshed, radiant eyes all day? Instant Concealer provides customised correction for all types of dark circles. It is tinted to mask the colour of dark circles while restoring the skin's natural tone. Its fluid texture blends flawlessly into the skin and smoothes the eye contour area.
Country France Brand Clarins Country Francia Directions for use Picchietta delicatamente con la punta delle dita, lavorando dall'interno verso l'esterno per amalgamare la formula. Il correttore istantaneo puĆ² essere applicato anche con il pennello per fondotinta utilizzando delicati movimenti leviganti. Sold by AeliaDutyFree Promotions & Discounts No -
Le informazioni sui prodotti rappresentati nel catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non ĆØ responsabile per eventuali difformitĆ delle loro caratteristiche.