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Ron Zacapa 23
Crafted in Guatemala, Zacapa Rum is a work of art, and an expression of patience, richness, quality and master blending. Aged to perfection in the highlands of Quetzaltenango, Zacapa Rum develops its complex flavour and character 2,300m above sea level in the mystical House Above the Clouds.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
This product may be subject to depending on your destination.
The sale of alcohol is prohibited to minors under 18 years of age.
Ron Zacapa 23
101,00 ā¬
Crafted in Guatemala, Zacapa Rum is a work of art, and an expression of patience, richness, quality and master blending. Aged to perfection in the highlands of Quetzaltenango, Zacapa Rum develops its complex flavour and character 2,300m above sea level in the mystical House Above the Clouds.
Country Guatemala Alcohol content 40.00 Capacity 1 l Width 11 cm Length 11 cm Brand Zacapa Net weight 1 kg Gross weight 1.80 kg Country Guatemala Sold by AeliaDutyFree Promotions & Discounts No -
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