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Absolue Precious Pure Cleansing Foam
Skin looks pure, refreshed, smooth and radiant with Absolue Cleansing Foam, infused with Grand Rose Extract.
84,40 €
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
Skin looks pure, refreshed, smooth and radiant with Absolue Cleansing Foam, infused with Grand Rose Extract.
Paese France Capacità 125 ml Larghezza 5.5 cm Lunghezza 4.4 cm Brand LANCOME Peso netto 146 g Paese Francia Indicazione per l'uso First, apply a generous quantity onto damp skin. Gently massage in circular movements until the texture transforms into a lightly-foaming milk. Finally, rinse thoroughly to unveil divinely cleansed skin. Venduto da AeliaDutyFree Promozioni & Sconti No -
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