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Amaro Ramazzotti 30%
Amaro Ramazzotti is an Italian digestif from the bitters category. 33 different aromatic plants and fruits are used in its making. including sweet oranges. whose taste is the most prominent. Ingredients : Alcohol. sugar. aromatic extracts. natural aromas.
19,90 €
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
Questo prodotto potrebbe essere soggetto a in base alla tua destinazione.
La vendita degli alcolici è vietata ai minori di 18 anni.
Amaro Ramazzotti 30%
19,90 €
Amaro Ramazzotti is an Italian digestif from the bitters category. 33 different aromatic plants and fruits are used in its making. including sweet oranges. whose taste is the most prominent. Ingredients : Alcohol. sugar. aromatic extracts. natural aromas.
Paese Italy Contenuto di alcol 30.00 Capacità 1 l Larghezza 8 cm Lunghezza 8 cm Brand Ramazzotti Peso netto 1 kg Peso lordo 1.40 kg Paese Italy Venduto da AeliaDutyFree Promozioni & Sconti No -
Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.