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ArchLiner Ink Eyeliner

ArchLiner Ink from Shiseido is an eyeliner with a specially designed micro-precision angled tip that provides a light definition with a duration of up to 24 hours. It provides both unprecedented and intuitive control and ensures full visibility when making the stroke, unlike traditional eyeliners, since neither the hand nor the pencil is in the field of view. Rich in ultra-black pigment, this revolutionary eyeliner offers a formula that provides water-resistant, blur and tears with a flawless finish up to 24 hours. Resists water;Lasts up to 24 hours. Apply on eyelids.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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ArchLiner Ink Eyeliner

ArchLiner Ink Eyeliner

27,40 €
  • ArchLiner Ink from Shiseido is an eyeliner with a specially designed micro-precision angled tip that provides a light definition with a duration of up to 24 hours. It provides both unprecedented and intuitive control and ensures full visibility when making the stroke, unlike traditional eyeliners, since neither the hand nor the pencil is in the field of view. Rich in ultra-black pigment, this revolutionary eyeliner offers a formula that provides water-resistant, blur and tears with a flawless finish up to 24 hours. Resists water;Lasts up to 24 hours. Apply on eyelids.
  • Capacità 1 ml
    Tonalità di bellezza Shibui Black
    Larghezza 2.10 cm
    Lunghezza 1.50 cm
    Brand Shiseido
    Peso netto 658.00 g
    Paese Japan
    Tinta Shibui Black
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.