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Johnnie Walker

Black Label Aged 12 Years Blended Scotch Whisky

Johnnie Walker Black Label is the worlds No 1 Scotch whisky. A true icon it is recognised as the benchmark for all other deluxe blended whiskies. It is sweetness wrapped in a signature Johnnie Walker smoke finish. The blend is created using only whiskies aged for a minimum of 12 years from the four corners of Scotland. JW Black Label has an unmistakably smooth, deep character. It is a gentle embrace of sweet fruit and creamy toffee with a crackling smoky finish. An impressive whisky to share on any occasion, whether you're entertaining at home or on a night out with friends.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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La vendita degli alcolici è vietata ai minori di 18 anni.

Black Label Aged 12 Years Blended Scotch Whisky

Black Label Aged 12 Years Blended Scotch Whisky

11,90 €
  • Johnnie Walker Black Label is the worlds No 1 Scotch whisky. A true icon it is recognised as the benchmark for all other deluxe blended whiskies. It is sweetness wrapped in a signature Johnnie Walker smoke finish. The blend is created using only whiskies aged for a minimum of 12 years from the four corners of Scotland. JW Black Label has an unmistakably smooth, deep character. It is a gentle embrace of sweet fruit and creamy toffee with a crackling smoky finish. An impressive whisky to share on any occasion, whether you're entertaining at home or on a night out with friends.
  • Contenuto di alcol 40.00
    Capacità 20 cl
    Larghezza 4.91 cm
    Lunghezza 4.48 cm
    Brand Johnnie Walker
    Peso netto 190.00 g
    Peso lordo 421.00 g
    Paese United Kingdom
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.