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Bleu Lazuli

Captivated by Indian spirituality and mysticism, Giorgio Armani dedicates the latest additions to La Collection des Terres Précieuses to India. Bleu Turquoise and Bleu Lazuli, a duo of unisex fragrances, capturing the designer’s vision of the country’s soul. It is a mythical idea of India that inspires as much as its reality. The two unisex fragrances, Bleu Turquoise and Bleu Lazuli, are inspired by India’s deep spiritual connection to blue. Representative of power and strength, and also of the universe - the color of both water and vast horizon.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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Bleu Lazuli

Bleu Lazuli

  • Captivated by Indian spirituality and mysticism, Giorgio Armani dedicates the latest additions to La Collection des Terres Précieuses to India. Bleu Turquoise and Bleu Lazuli, a duo of unisex fragrances, capturing the designer’s vision of the country’s soul. It is a mythical idea of India that inspires as much as its reality. The two unisex fragrances, Bleu Turquoise and Bleu Lazuli, are inspired by India’s deep spiritual connection to blue. Representative of power and strength, and also of the universe - the color of both water and vast horizon.
  • Concentrazione del profumo Eau De Parfum
    Brand Armani
    Paese France
    Indicazione per l'uso Apply on pulse point: wrist, inner elbow and neck.
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.