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Born In Roma Uomo Green Stravaganza

As the sun rises and shines over the eternal city, Born in Roma Green Stravaganza takes you on a bold adventure to the cool gardens of Roma where you are free to live and express your unique ways. Born in Roma Green Stravaganza is a fougère ambery fragrance, revealing its magnetic aroma through confronting the freshness from Calabrian bergamot heart and the pure energy surge from the coffee accord. Born in Roma Green Stravaganza leads a way into the extravagance of Roma, allowing cool kids to feel the energy, unleash their personalities, and live excessively, because there are many vibrant ways to be you.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
Born In Roma Uomo Green Stravaganza

Born In Roma Uomo Green Stravaganza

107,00 €
  • As the sun rises and shines over the eternal city, Born in Roma Green Stravaganza takes you on a bold adventure to the cool gardens of Roma where you are free to live and express your unique ways. Born in Roma Green Stravaganza is a fougère ambery fragrance, revealing its magnetic aroma through confronting the freshness from Calabrian bergamot heart and the pure energy surge from the coffee accord. Born in Roma Green Stravaganza leads a way into the extravagance of Roma, allowing cool kids to feel the energy, unleash their personalities, and live excessively, because there are many vibrant ways to be you.
  • Capacità 100 ml
    Concentrazione del profumo Eau De Toilette
    Larghezza 7.95 cm
    Lunghezza 5.30 cm
    Brand Valentino
    Peso netto 389.00 g
    Peso lordo 389.00 g
    Paese France
    Indicazione per l'uso Apply on each pulse point - wrist, inner elbow and neck, from a short distance.
    Concentrazione di profumo Eau De Toilette
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.