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Acqua Di Parma
Colonia Deodorant
Acqua di Parma - Providing immediate freshness, Acqua Di Parma's Colonia Club Deodorant Spray provides an effective formula that guarantees immediate freshness and a long-lasting Colonia Club scent. This alcohol-free deodorant spray is the ideal way to enjoy the scent at the heart of your grooming routine.
44,40 €
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
Colonia Deodorant
44,40 €
Acqua di Parma - Providing immediate freshness, Acqua Di Parma's Colonia Club Deodorant Spray provides an effective formula that guarantees immediate freshness and a long-lasting Colonia Club scent. This alcohol-free deodorant spray is the ideal way to enjoy the scent at the heart of your grooming routine.
Paese Italy Capacità 150 ml Larghezza 15.5 cm Lunghezza 4.8 cm Brand Acqua Di Parma Peso netto 193 g Peso lordo 211.00 g Paese Italia Venduto da AeliaDutyFree Promozioni & Sconti No -
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