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Issey Miyake

Fusion Dissey

A creation fused in the heart of nature. A playful juxtaposition between hot and cold. Its freshness comes from the explosive and lively zest of lemon accompanied by the milky sweetness of coconut milk. This new masculine fragrance entices us to explore the power and diversity of unspoiled nature. The explosive freshness of a lively lemon meets the intensity of volcanic woods. A vibrant aromatic breeze encounters the verticality of a solar amber accord.Light shines from within, trapped and yet vibrant. The outerpack reflects the same blue and black colour code. In addition, the name, Fusion d’Issey is written in striking orange letters. A beautiful creation inspired by nature and redesigned by the human hand.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
Fusion Dissey

Fusion Dissey

72,40 €
  • A creation fused in the heart of nature. A playful juxtaposition between hot and cold. Its freshness comes from the explosive and lively zest of lemon accompanied by the milky sweetness of coconut milk. This new masculine fragrance entices us to explore the power and diversity of unspoiled nature. The explosive freshness of a lively lemon meets the intensity of volcanic woods. A vibrant aromatic breeze encounters the verticality of a solar amber accord.Light shines from within, trapped and yet vibrant. The outerpack reflects the same blue and black colour code. In addition, the name, Fusion d’Issey is written in striking orange letters. A beautiful creation inspired by nature and redesigned by the human hand.
  • Capacità 50 ml
    Concentrazione del profumo Eau De Toilette
    Larghezza 4.25 cm
    Lunghezza 7.05 cm
    Brand Issey Miyake
    Peso netto 44.00 g
    Peso lordo 277.00 g
    Paese France
    Concentrazione di profumo Eau De Toilette
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.