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È possibile prenotare i prodotti da 30 giorni fino a 2 ore prima della partenza.
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Intensive contouring care

To sculpt your body as you have decided, apply morning and evening to the affected areas until complete penetration according to the application gestures below: 1. Stimulate the skin before applying the product: • Perform tonic pinching with fingertips on the affected areas. • With both hands, fists closed, perform rapid and intense back and forth movements up and down. 2. Apply the product to sculpt the silhouette: • On the legs, buttocks and hips: apply dynamic and intense pressure with both hands up to the crease in the groin to stimulate drainage. • On the stomach and the waist: exert deep circular movements, with the tips of the fingers, one hand on the other, in the direction of the needles of a watch on a radius of 5 to 10 cm around the navel. • On the upper arms: apply dynamic and intense upward pressure with one hand, going up to the crease in the armpit. Allows you to get dressed very quickly after application.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
per verificare la disponibilità dei prodotti ed effettuare un ordine.
Intensive contouring care

Intensive contouring care

190,00 €
  • To sculpt your body as you have decided, apply morning and evening to the affected areas until complete penetration according to the application gestures below: 1. Stimulate the skin before applying the product: • Perform tonic pinching with fingertips on the affected areas. • With both hands, fists closed, perform rapid and intense back and forth movements up and down. 2. Apply the product to sculpt the silhouette: • On the legs, buttocks and hips: apply dynamic and intense pressure with both hands up to the crease in the groin to stimulate drainage. • On the stomach and the waist: exert deep circular movements, with the tips of the fingers, one hand on the other, in the direction of the needles of a watch on a radius of 5 to 10 cm around the navel. • On the upper arms: apply dynamic and intense upward pressure with one hand, going up to the crease in the armpit. Allows you to get dressed very quickly after application.
  • Capacità 200 ml
    Larghezza 5.20 cm
    Lunghezza 5.10 cm
    Brand Sisley
    Peso netto 200.00 g
    Paese France
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.