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Malfy Gin Con Arancia

MALFY Gins are made by Master Distillers, Beppe Ronco and Denis Muni at the Torino Distillati distillery. Located in Moncalieri, in the Piedmont region of North West Italy. Malfy Gin is made using vacuum distillation also called cold-distillation. This is a relatively new technique in the world of gin production, enabling a lower temperature to achieve evaporation and therefore not altering the composition of botanicals (avoiding heat-related degradation), this way we can keep our botanicals fresh and flavourful. Carefully selected ingredients are separated into collections and distilled separately to accentuate their flavours. Our citrus botanicals are steeped in alcohol and then squeezed in a traditional basket press, this extract in turn is then distilled with handpicked Italian juniper. The individual distillates are then artfully blended together and cut with Italian water to create our fruit forward style gins.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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Malfy Gin Con Arancia

Malfy Gin Con Arancia

46,40 €
  • MALFY Gins are made by Master Distillers, Beppe Ronco and Denis Muni at the Torino Distillati distillery. Located in Moncalieri, in the Piedmont region of North West Italy. Malfy Gin is made using vacuum distillation also called cold-distillation. This is a relatively new technique in the world of gin production, enabling a lower temperature to achieve evaporation and therefore not altering the composition of botanicals (avoiding heat-related degradation), this way we can keep our botanicals fresh and flavourful. Carefully selected ingredients are separated into collections and distilled separately to accentuate their flavours. Our citrus botanicals are steeped in alcohol and then squeezed in a traditional basket press, this extract in turn is then distilled with handpicked Italian juniper. The individual distillates are then artfully blended together and cut with Italian water to create our fruit forward style gins.
  • Contenuto di alcol 41.00
    Capacità 1 l
    Larghezza 9.85 cm
    Lunghezza 9.85 cm
    Brand Malfy
    Peso netto 1.00 kg
    Peso lordo 1.80 kg
    Paese Italy
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.