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Mini Slant Tweezer & Case

Timeless & Elegant, Rose Gold is quickly becoming a staple. Now available in a travel-friendly mini slant tweezer with case.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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Mini Slant Tweezer & Case

Mini Slant Tweezer & Case

20,00 €
  • Timeless & Elegant, Rose Gold is quickly becoming a staple. Now available in a travel-friendly mini slant tweezer with case.
  • Tonalità di bellezza Rose Gold
    Larghezza 4.30 cm
    Lunghezza 2.00 cm
    Brand Tweezerman
    Peso netto 40.00 g
    Paese India
    Tinta Rose Gold
    Indicazione per l'uso Prepare for hair removal by opening pores using a warm washcloth, not too hot to prevent redness. This will help to reduce pain. For maximum control, tweeze using your thumb and index fingers near the middle of the tweezer body. Grab the unwanted hair with the tweezer tips slanted at a 25° angle, squeeze down on the body of the tweezer and pull in the direction of hair growth to remove hair from the root. Continue until you have removed all unwanted hair.
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.