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Phyto-Levres Perfect with Lip Brush and Sharpener

Phyto-levres perfect with lip brush and sharpener - 3 rose the lipliner sisley a firm gentle easy-glide lip pencil gives simple and precise lip lining with a formula that nourishes hydrates comforts and firms the lips. Its brush allows for quick touch ups throughout the day.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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Phyto-Levres Perfect with Lip Brush and Sharpener

Phyto-Levres Perfect with Lip Brush and Sharpener

  • Phyto-levres perfect with lip brush and sharpener - 3 rose the lipliner sisley a firm gentle easy-glide lip pencil gives simple and precise lip lining with a formula that nourishes hydrates comforts and firms the lips. Its brush allows for quick touch ups throughout the day.
  • Brand Sisley
    Paese Germany
    Indicazione per l'uso Apply the pencil by following the lips' natural contour, beginning at the center of the lips and moving toward the corners of the mouth. As needed, color in lips before applying a lipstick or a gloss in order to intensify the color and make it longer lasting.
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.