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Sos Primer

More than just primers, these products offer effective results for beautiful skin, even without make-up! They instantly brighten the complexion and adapt to the needs of your skin. Their secret: a filter-effect make-up finish, a plant-enriched formula and our microbiota complex, developed in our Laboratories to promote the balance of the skin flora on a daily basis, with each application. 24-hour hydration. High-Lumitech complex: instantly corrects, brightens and revives the complexion. Clarins anti-pollution complex. Results: the skin becomes more beautiful day after day and the complexion regains its balance, whatever your skin problems may be.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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Sos Primer

Sos Primer

33,40 €
  • More than just primers, these products offer effective results for beautiful skin, even without make-up! They instantly brighten the complexion and adapt to the needs of your skin. Their secret: a filter-effect make-up finish, a plant-enriched formula and our microbiota complex, developed in our Laboratories to promote the balance of the skin flora on a daily basis, with each application. 24-hour hydration. High-Lumitech complex: instantly corrects, brightens and revives the complexion. Clarins anti-pollution complex. Results: the skin becomes more beautiful day after day and the complexion regains its balance, whatever your skin problems may be.
  • Tonalità di bellezza Pink
    Larghezza 3.30 cm
    Lunghezza 3.00 cm
    Brand Clarins
    Peso netto 30.00 g
    Paese France
    Tinta Pink
    Indicazione per l'uso Apply all over face after your usual skincare routine. Use by itself or mixed with your Clarins liquid foundation.
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.