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Tanqueray Rangpur

In a poll of the world’s 50 best bars (Brands Report. 2016). Tanqueray was judged to be number one trending gin. the best-selling gin. and the bartender's overall favourite spirit. The Rangpur is an exotic citrus that has the zestiness of lime and the juiciness of mandarin oranges. Rangpur. ginger and bay leaves are added to Tanqueray’s base of four botanicals during distillation. resulting in an easy-drinking gin with a citrus twist. Ingredients Water. alcohol. botanicals
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
Questo prodotto potrebbe essere soggetto a in base alla tua destinazione.
  • In a poll of the world’s 50 best bars (Brands Report. 2016). Tanqueray was judged to be number one trending gin. the best-selling gin. and the bartender's overall favourite spirit. The Rangpur is an exotic citrus that has the zestiness of lime and the juiciness of mandarin oranges. Rangpur. ginger and bay leaves are added to Tanqueray’s base of four botanicals during distillation. resulting in an easy-drinking gin with a citrus twist. Ingredients Water. alcohol. botanicals
  • Paese United Kingdom
    Contenuto di alcol 41.00
    Capacità 1 l
    Larghezza 9.80 cm
    Lunghezza 9.80 cm
    Brand Tanqueray
    Peso netto 947.00 g
    Peso lordo 1.65 kg
    Paese United Kingdom
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
    Promozioni & Sconti No
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.