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L'Oréal Paris

Telescopic Lift Mascara

Introducing L'Oreal Paris's Telescopic Lift Mascara. Lift your lashes to the next level, with up to 5mm longer looking lashes and up to 24 hour lift. With an exclusive two-sided brush, the flat side allows closer application to the eyeline, with the curved bristles catching lashes from root to tip.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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Telescopic Lift Mascara

Telescopic Lift Mascara

16,70 €
  • Introducing L'Oreal Paris's Telescopic Lift Mascara. Lift your lashes to the next level, with up to 5mm longer looking lashes and up to 24 hour lift. With an exclusive two-sided brush, the flat side allows closer application to the eyeline, with the curved bristles catching lashes from root to tip.
  • Larghezza 2.05 cm
    Lunghezza 2.05 cm
    Brand L'Oréal Paris
    Peso netto 25.00 g
    Paese Italy
    Indicazione per l'uso Apply mascara by using the front hook bristles to lift and coat your lashes from root to tip, Use the side hook to comb and separate your eyelashes for volume and length.
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.