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Treatment Softener
The appearance of fine lines, your skin's clarity and texture will be improved with the use of this treatment. It helps to strengthen the inner defenses of your skin and even protects it from the signs of aging and external stressors.
55,90 €
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
Treatment Softener
55,90 €
The appearance of fine lines, your skin's clarity and texture will be improved with the use of this treatment. It helps to strengthen the inner defenses of your skin and even protects it from the signs of aging and external stressors.
Paese France Capacità 150 ml Larghezza 4.1 cm Lunghezza 5.8 cm Brand Shiseido Peso netto 240 g Paese France Venduto da AeliaDutyFree Promozioni & Sconti No -
Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.