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Wonder Perfect Mascara 4d Waterproof

Wonder Perfect Mascara 4D Waterproof gives your lashes volume, length, curve and definition for flawless four-dimensional eyes as it visibly lengthens and thickens lashes more every day. The more you wear it, the more beautiful your lashes will be. Its special power? The Emotion-Resistant waterproof formula can withstand anything your day brings! This mascara won't budge, even when exposed to water, humidity, heat or tears (tears of joy, of course!). You can count on it to never let you down.
Venduto da: AeliaDutyFree
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Wonder Perfect Mascara 4d Waterproof

Wonder Perfect Mascara 4d Waterproof

32,40 €
  • Wonder Perfect Mascara 4D Waterproof gives your lashes volume, length, curve and definition for flawless four-dimensional eyes as it visibly lengthens and thickens lashes more every day. The more you wear it, the more beautiful your lashes will be. Its special power? The Emotion-Resistant waterproof formula can withstand anything your day brings! This mascara won't budge, even when exposed to water, humidity, heat or tears (tears of joy, of course!). You can count on it to never let you down.
  • Larghezza 13.40 cm
    Lunghezza 2.00 cm
    Brand Clarins
    Peso netto 8.00 g
    Paese Italy
    Venduto da AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.