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Acca Kappa White Moss After Shave Splash

You shouldn't splash just any product on after shaving when your skin is more prone to irritation or small cuts. Just washing down shaving creams or soaps with water will not guarantee that those small cuts won't get a minor infection. Acca Kappa White Moss After Shave Splash gives you the assurance that splashing water or dabbing a towel on your face can't. It is rich with aloe vera and allantoin, which soothe and rejuvenate your face and neck after every shave. It also has bisabolol, which promotes skin healing, and panthenol, which has anti-inflammatory effects. Aside from all of these protective and moisturizing properties, it will leave you feeling refreshed and energized with a really nice, light and lingering scent. Size: 3.3 fl. oz Made in Italy. Any international purchase of this item shall be subject to refund.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Acca Kappa White Moss After Shave Splash

Acca Kappa White Moss After Shave Splash

46,50 ā‚¬
  • You shouldn't splash just any product on after shaving when your skin is more prone to irritation or small cuts. Just washing down shaving creams or soaps with water will not guarantee that those small cuts won't get a minor infection. Acca Kappa White Moss After Shave Splash gives you the assurance that splashing water or dabbing a towel on your face can't. It is rich with aloe vera and allantoin, which soothe and rejuvenate your face and neck after every shave. It also has bisabolol, which promotes skin healing, and panthenol, which has anti-inflammatory effects. Aside from all of these protective and moisturizing properties, it will leave you feeling refreshed and energized with a really nice, light and lingering scent. Size: 3.3 fl. oz Made in Italy. Any international purchase of this item shall be subject to refund.
  • Country Italy
    Capacity 100 ml
    Width 4.5 cm
    Length 7.5 cm
    Brand Accakappa
    Net weight 100 g
    Country Italia
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
    Promotions & Discounts No
  • Le informazioni sui prodotti rappresentati nel catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non ĆØ responsabile per eventuali difformitĆ  delle loro caratteristiche.