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The service is not available for the selected flight because it departs in less than 2 hours.
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The availability of products will be updated based on your flight.
It is possible to book products from 30 days up to 2 hours before departure.
For more information on the service, see terms and conditions.
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Terms and conditions 

Terms & Conditions


Informations relating to the Shop&Fly service of Aeroporti di Roma which allows for the free booking of goods available in the catalogue and which can be purchased by the customer at the shops of Fiumicino Airport included in the initiative.


ADR's Shop&Fly service concerns reservations only. Any subsequent sale/purchase process of the goods is managed independently by LS TRAVEL RETAIL ROMA S.r.l.

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Lorem ipsum dolor 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Mi non nec orci neque ante. Mi velit sem et vulputate diam neque eu. Urna risus mauris risus sed. Et diam in vitae sed mauris ullamcorper nunc varius gravida. Porttitor nulla blandit enim leo sed. Est lorem dui egestas leo tortor accumsan interdum nec. Viverra lacinia ut dignissim morbi faucibus. Habitant mollis vehicula dictum euismod magna viverra diam. Egestas sollicitudin convallis sit quis.