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Anti-aging foundation

SisleĆæa Le Teint is a truly complete anti-aging fluid foundation. It provides a youthful effect make-up, instantly and throughout the day: - the complexion is radiant (complex of 2 Micas and ultra-pure pigments), - the skin is smooth (unique smoothing base), - make-up stays perfect for 8 hours (Sisley Color Expert technology). Its skin care formula combines many anti-aging active ingredients from the latest Sisley research. Most notably, it is formulated with Persian Acacia extract, key active ingredient of SisleĆæa L'IntĆ©gral Anti-Ƃge, for cellular energy*, a source of radiance. The skin is more luminous and even, upon application and day after day. Signs of fatigue are minimized. In 4 weeks, the face recovers the smoothness and firmness of more youthful skin. Wrinkles are faded. Skin is moisturized, plumped up and denser. Oil-free formula, non-comedogenic, suitable for all skin types. * in vitro test
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Beauty Hue
Anti-aging foundation

Anti-aging foundation

  • SisleĆæa Le Teint is a truly complete anti-aging fluid foundation. It provides a youthful effect make-up, instantly and throughout the day: - the complexion is radiant (complex of 2 Micas and ultra-pure pigments), - the skin is smooth (unique smoothing base), - make-up stays perfect for 8 hours (Sisley Color Expert technology). Its skin care formula combines many anti-aging active ingredients from the latest Sisley research. Most notably, it is formulated with Persian Acacia extract, key active ingredient of SisleĆæa L'IntĆ©gral Anti-Ƃge, for cellular energy*, a source of radiance. The skin is more luminous and even, upon application and day after day. Signs of fatigue are minimized. In 4 weeks, the face recovers the smoothness and firmness of more youthful skin. Wrinkles are faded. Skin is moisturized, plumped up and denser. Oil-free formula, non-comedogenic, suitable for all skin types. * in vitro test
  • Country France
    Brand Sisley
    Country Francia
    Directions for use Distribuisci la consistenza sulla punta delle dita. Applicare il prodotto picchiettando leggermente su tutto il viso fino al collo e, se desiderato, al dĆ©colletĆ©. Leviga il fondotinta con movimenti circolari partendo dal centro del viso e muovendoti verso l'esterno. Inizia dalla base del viso e procedi verso l'alto per smussare le linee. Picchietta per finire per uniformare l'incarnato. PuĆ² essere applicato anche con un pennello.
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
    Promotions & Discounts No
  • Le informazioni sui prodotti rappresentati nel catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non ĆØ responsabile per eventuali difformitĆ  delle loro caratteristiche.