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At First Blush

Compact, silky blush with a velvety touch that enhances the natural complexion. An extremely thin and light film thanks to the innovative technology of micronised pigments which allows the product to adhere better to the skin. The natural spherical polymers, on the other hand, improve skin-feel and have absorbent properties. A blush rich in active ingredients; a veritable pool of natural extracts that improve the elasticity of the skin: rose hip with its emollient and soothing action and Ginko biloba with its antioxidant properties. Velvety and gentle texture. Easy application, adheres perfectly to the skin. Modular and long wearing. Natural, satiny, imperceptible finish. Ginko biloba extract with antioxidant action; rosehip with emollient and soothing action.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Beauty Hue
At First Blush

At First Blush

  • Compact, silky blush with a velvety touch that enhances the natural complexion. An extremely thin and light film thanks to the innovative technology of micronised pigments which allows the product to adhere better to the skin. The natural spherical polymers, on the other hand, improve skin-feel and have absorbent properties. A blush rich in active ingredients; a veritable pool of natural extracts that improve the elasticity of the skin: rose hip with its emollient and soothing action and Ginko biloba with its antioxidant properties. Velvety and gentle texture. Easy application, adheres perfectly to the skin. Modular and long wearing. Natural, satiny, imperceptible finish. Ginko biloba extract with antioxidant action; rosehip with emollient and soothing action.
  • Country Italy
    Brand Mesauda
    Country Italy
    Directions for use Per dare colore, applicare una piccola quantitĆ  di prodotto con il pennello tondo sugli zigomi, dalle guance verso le tempie, e viceversa. Per scolpire, applicare con il pennello obliquo F05 sotto lo zigomo seguendone la forma dal centro del viso verso lā€™esterno.
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
    Promotions & Discounts No
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non ĆØ responsabile per difformitĆ  sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.