
Candolini Grappa Bianca

Candolini Grappa is made from 85% free-running grape juice. distilled pips and stems. Aromatic and flavorful. its traditional 19th-century bottle is a classic among Italian distillates and after more than one hundred years of production - remains one of the best selling spirits available today. With a balanced palate and nose. it is particularly delicate. clear and pleasant. Its refined character seduces and conquers you. Ideal to be drunk after a meal.
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Candolini Grappa Bianca

Candolini Grappa Bianca

17,90 €
  • Candolini Grappa is made from 85% free-running grape juice. distilled pips and stems. Aromatic and flavorful. its traditional 19th-century bottle is a classic among Italian distillates and after more than one hundred years of production - remains one of the best selling spirits available today. With a balanced palate and nose. it is particularly delicate. clear and pleasant. Its refined character seduces and conquers you. Ideal to be drunk after a meal.
  • Country Italy
    Alcohol content 40.00
    Capacity 1 l
    Brand Candolini
    Net weight 1 kg
    Gross weight 1.20 kg
    Country Italia
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
    Promotions & Discounts No
  • Le informazioni sui prodotti rappresentati nel catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per eventuali difformità delle loro caratteristiche.