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La Prairie

Cellular 3-minute Peel

A beauty editor favorite, La Prairie's Cellular 3-Minute Peel serves as a weekly booster to help renew, refresh and revitalize skin. This gentle yet potent peel polishes and refines skin by helping to usher fresh, young cells to the surface. Compliment your skincare ritual by using this incredible peel once a week and see skin that looks renewed.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Cellular 3-minute Peel

Cellular 3-minute Peel

224,00 €
  • A beauty editor favorite, La Prairie's Cellular 3-Minute Peel serves as a weekly booster to help renew, refresh and revitalize skin. This gentle yet potent peel polishes and refines skin by helping to usher fresh, young cells to the surface. Compliment your skincare ritual by using this incredible peel once a week and see skin that looks renewed.
  • Capacity 40 ml
    Width 7.80 cm
    Length 8.20 cm
    Brand La Prairie
    Net weight 321.00 g
    Country France
    Directions for use Con il pennello in dotazione, stendi il prodotto sul viso, evitando il contorno occhi e risciacquando con acqua tiepida dopo tre minuti.
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.