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La Roche Posay
Cicaplast Levres
CICAPLAST LEVRES barrier texture isolates against aggressions, repairs and soothes immediatly. This repairing barrier balm soothes and rebuilds the epidermis on chapped, cracked and irritated lips and zones.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Cicaplast Levres
7,90 ā¬
CICAPLAST LEVRES barrier texture isolates against aggressions, repairs and soothes immediatly. This repairing barrier balm soothes and rebuilds the epidermis on chapped, cracked and irritated lips and zones.
Country France Capacity 8 ml Width 2.2 cm Length 9.8 cm Brand La Roche Posay Net weight 7 g Country Francia Directions for use Apply as often as necessary. Sold by AeliaDutyFree Promotions & Discounts No -
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