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Maestri Grappa Invecchiata Bottega

Grappa, the most ancient and traditional of North Italian spirits, is made from grape marc and obtained by distilling fermented grape skins, a by-product of the wine-making process. The grape skins have the distinctive trait of concentrating the main aromatic substances of the grape and following distillation one obtains a precious transparent and crystalline liquid with a broad range of organoleptic sensations. Maestri Grappa Invecchiata Bottega, dedicated to Masters of Art and Culture, is made using a technique that marries tradition with innovation; the ageing in wood then endows it with its typical amber colouration and enriches its bouquet with unique and soothing nuances.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
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The sale of alcohol is prohibited to minors under 18 years of age.

Maestri Grappa Invecchiata Bottega

Maestri Grappa Invecchiata Bottega

54,50 ā‚¬
  • Grappa, the most ancient and traditional of North Italian spirits, is made from grape marc and obtained by distilling fermented grape skins, a by-product of the wine-making process. The grape skins have the distinctive trait of concentrating the main aromatic substances of the grape and following distillation one obtains a precious transparent and crystalline liquid with a broad range of organoleptic sensations. Maestri Grappa Invecchiata Bottega, dedicated to Masters of Art and Culture, is made using a technique that marries tradition with innovation; the ageing in wood then endows it with its typical amber colouration and enriches its bouquet with unique and soothing nuances.
  • Country Italy
    Alcohol content 38.60
    Capacity 70 cl
    Width 15.30 cm
    Length 9.30 cm
    Brand Bottega
    Net weight 700.00 g
    Gross weight 1.80 kg
    Country Italy
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
    Promotions & Discounts No
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non ĆØ responsabile per difformitĆ  sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.