Makers Mark

Makers Mark

In 1953, Bill Samuels Sr. had an idea for new kind of Bourbon, less harsh and smooth. He considered his mash bill for his new Bourbon by baking bread. His baking research discovered that bread baked with red winter wheat were milder and gentler than rye. Bill bought a site in Loretto, Kentucky and in 1958, the first bottle of Maker’s Mark was produced.
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Makers Mark

Makers Mark

54,00 €
  • In 1953, Bill Samuels Sr. had an idea for new kind of Bourbon, less harsh and smooth. He considered his mash bill for his new Bourbon by baking bread. His baking research discovered that bread baked with red winter wheat were milder and gentler than rye. Bill bought a site in Loretto, Kentucky and in 1958, the first bottle of Maker’s Mark was produced.
  • Food recommendations Dessert
    Region Kentucky
    Country United States
    Type of whisky american_whiskey
    Alcohol content 45.00
    Ageing details Virgin Oak
    Cheese region Kentucky
    Foie gras region Kentucky
    Capacity 1 l
    Width 9 cm
    Length 11 cm
    Brand Makers Mark
    Net weight 1 kg
    Gross weight 1.62 kg
    In the mouth Dolce ed equilibrato con essenze di caramello, vaniglia e frutta.
    On the nose Al naso prevalgono legno di rovere, caramello, vaniglia e frumento.
    Country Stati Uniti d'America
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
    Promotions & Discounts No
  • Le informazioni sui prodotti rappresentati nel catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per eventuali difformità delle loro caratteristiche.