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Nomade For Women
ChloƩ Nomade Eau de Parfum encapsulates the spirit of a woman open to the beauty of the World. The ChloƩ woman carries with her a freedom and an immutable, natural elegance. Confident, inspiring, she flourishes through her experiences and encounters, asserting who she is without ever imposing it. This inner strength leads her to embrace otherness. ChloƩ Nomade Perfume is a mix of softness and strength: the facets of this floral chypre blow like the winds of freedom. The intense, mineral character of the oak moss is shrouded in the voluptuous sweetness of the cherry plum and the flowery freshness of the freesia.
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Nomade For Women
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ChloƩ Nomade Eau de Parfum encapsulates the spirit of a woman open to the beauty of the World. The ChloƩ woman carries with her a freedom and an immutable, natural elegance. Confident, inspiring, she flourishes through her experiences and encounters, asserting who she is without ever imposing it. This inner strength leads her to embrace otherness. ChloƩ Nomade Perfume is a mix of softness and strength: the facets of this floral chypre blow like the winds of freedom. The intense, mineral character of the oak moss is shrouded in the voluptuous sweetness of the cherry plum and the flowery freshness of the freesia.
Country Spain Perfume concentration Eau De Parfum Brand ChloƩ Country Spagna Sold by AeliaDutyFree Promotions & Discounts No -
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