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Nude Venus

Powdercompact, soft and smooth, with a pleasantly creamy and silky touch. The fine, extremely smooth texture blends perfectly into the face, mattifying it and sublimating imperfections. The skin texture is refined, flawless and natural without a powdery effect. A perfect balance between creamy pay-off and powder compactness thanks to the use of plant-derived binders that ensure excellent makeup hold and visibly refined skin texture. The formula is rich in micronised mineral pigments for improved coverage and even application all over the face. The natural esters, on the other hand, give emollience to the skin and perfect product adhesion. Finally, coconut oil and Polynesian Tiare flowers provide a moisturising boost with smoothing and anti-oxidant properties that protect the skin from the damaging action of free radicals. Silky soft and impalpable texture. Adhesive and melting application.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Nude Venus

Nude Venus

16,90 ā‚¬
  • Powdercompact, soft and smooth, with a pleasantly creamy and silky touch. The fine, extremely smooth texture blends perfectly into the face, mattifying it and sublimating imperfections. The skin texture is refined, flawless and natural without a powdery effect. A perfect balance between creamy pay-off and powder compactness thanks to the use of plant-derived binders that ensure excellent makeup hold and visibly refined skin texture. The formula is rich in micronised mineral pigments for improved coverage and even application all over the face. The natural esters, on the other hand, give emollience to the skin and perfect product adhesion. Finally, coconut oil and Polynesian Tiare flowers provide a moisturising boost with smoothing and anti-oxidant properties that protect the skin from the damaging action of free radicals. Silky soft and impalpable texture. Adhesive and melting application.
  • Country Italy
    Beauty Hue Warm Sienna
    Width 2 cm
    Length 7 cm
    Brand Mesauda
    Net weight 67 g
    Country Italia
    Tint Warm Sienna
    Directions for use Utilizzando il pennello F01, prelevare il prodotto e stenderlo su tutto il viso, partendo dal centro della fronte, del naso e del mento, sfumando verso lā€™esterno. Sfumare infine dal mento verso la base del collo per evitare antiestetici stacchi di colore. Ideale per effettuare dei ritocchi durante la giornata.
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
    Promotions & Discounts No
  • Le informazioni sui prodotti rappresentati nel catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non ĆØ responsabile per eventuali difformitĆ  delle loro caratteristiche.