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Solid 34 Blvd Saint Germain

This Fragrance Gesture is inspired by the enfleurage technique used in times past to capture the scent of flowers. Its alcohol free wax is a scented balm that is applied with the fingertips, to reveal the unique signature of 34 Boulevard Saint Germain. In a new case decorated with colour illustrations, this solid perfume is now refillable, for a gesture that's both portable and eco-responsible.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Solid 34 Blvd Saint Germain

Solid 34 Blvd Saint Germain

51,90 €
  • This Fragrance Gesture is inspired by the enfleurage technique used in times past to capture the scent of flowers. Its alcohol free wax is a scented balm that is applied with the fingertips, to reveal the unique signature of 34 Boulevard Saint Germain. In a new case decorated with colour illustrations, this solid perfume is now refillable, for a gesture that's both portable and eco-responsible.
  • Capacity 3 ml
    Width 4.00 cm
    Length 3.07 cm
    Brand Diptyque
    Net weight 36.00 g
    Gross weight 100.00 g
    Country France
    Directions for use For greater diffusion, apply the solid perfume on your pulse points, where your body gives off the most heat: on your wrists and inside your elbows, at the base of your neck, behind your ears and your décolleté. Once the perfume has been used up, reload the case with a solid perfume refill.
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.