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Vital Perfection Uplifting & Firming Day Cream

Vital Perfection Uplifting and Firming Day Cream SPF30 from Shiseido is a global anti-aging cream for a firmer and more invigorated appearance.This product has a smooth and luxurious texture that fights loss of elasticity, wrinkles and dark spots.The skin is hydrated, strengthened, resistant and has a shiny appearance. Improves the appearance of contours and facial definitions. Apply every morning at the end of your skin care routine; Take two pearl-sized amounts with the spatula.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Vital Perfection Uplifting & Firming Day Cream

Vital Perfection Uplifting & Firming Day Cream

125,00 €
  • Vital Perfection Uplifting and Firming Day Cream SPF30 from Shiseido is a global anti-aging cream for a firmer and more invigorated appearance.This product has a smooth and luxurious texture that fights loss of elasticity, wrinkles and dark spots.The skin is hydrated, strengthened, resistant and has a shiny appearance. Improves the appearance of contours and facial definitions. Apply every morning at the end of your skin care routine; Take two pearl-sized amounts with the spatula.
  • Capacity 50 ml
    Sun Protection Factor 30
    Width 6.20 cm
    Length 7.20 cm
    Brand Shiseido
    Net weight 172.00 g
    Country France
    SPF 30
    Directions for use Apply each morning at the end of your skincare routine.
    Take two pearl sized-amounts with the spatula.
    With a fingertip, dot evenly onto five areas (each cheek, forehead, nose and chin) and spread out smoothly. Repeat each motion several times.
    Using less than the suggested amounts will give insuficient protection against UV rays.
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.