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La Prairie

The Liquid Foundation Brush

La Prairie’s Complexion Brushes elevate makeup application to an experience. A veritable master's tool, The Liquid Foundation Complexion Brush has been specifically designed to be used with La Prairie's Complexion products to effortlessly achieve the perfect finish.It is crafted with the highest quality, most advanced synthetic bristles that are densely packed and cropped short to allow for maximum control and easy flawless blending. They sweep delicately over skin with an unmatched softness.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
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The Liquid Foundation Brush

The Liquid Foundation Brush

121,00 €
  • La Prairie’s Complexion Brushes elevate makeup application to an experience. A veritable master's tool, The Liquid Foundation Complexion Brush has been specifically designed to be used with La Prairie's Complexion products to effortlessly achieve the perfect finish.It is crafted with the highest quality, most advanced synthetic bristles that are densely packed and cropped short to allow for maximum control and easy flawless blending. They sweep delicately over skin with an unmatched softness.
  • Capacity 115 ml
    Width 5.60 cm
    Length 5.60 cm
    Brand La Prairie
    Net weight 213.00 g
    Country Italy
    Directions for use Versare una piccola quantità di fondotinta liquido sul dorso della mano. Intingere leggermente le setole di Liquid Foundation Brush nel prodotto e picchiettare delicatamente su fronte, zigomi, mento e lungo i contorni del viso. Stendere il fondotinta con dei movimenti circolari verso il basso su naso, tempie e guance. Sfumare delicatamente lungo l’attaccatura dei capelli, sul collo e sul décolleté per un risultato uniforme. Ripetere l’applicazione fino a ottenere il livello di coprenza desiderato.
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.