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La Prairie

White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire

Light and how it interacts with the planes of the face – and in particular the graceful curve of the brow, the arc of the lid, the mystery of the lash line – is the defining element of the eye’s architecture. This architecture is subject to the play of shadows and highlights, of contours and recesses. The just measure of light is the fine balance between these elements. A rich cream that nourishes and comforts with deep moisture, White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire goes beyond mere brightening to reveal the extraordinary beauty of the eye.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire

White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire

505,00 €
  • Light and how it interacts with the planes of the face – and in particular the graceful curve of the brow, the arc of the lid, the mystery of the lash line – is the defining element of the eye’s architecture. This architecture is subject to the play of shadows and highlights, of contours and recesses. The just measure of light is the fine balance between these elements. A rich cream that nourishes and comforts with deep moisture, White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire goes beyond mere brightening to reveal the extraordinary beauty of the eye.
  • Capacity 20 ml
    Width 10.34 cm
    Length 10.34 cm
    Brand La Prairie
    Net weight 20.00 g
    Country Switzerland
    Directions for use Iniziare la routine applicando la crema contorno occhi. Premere il pulsante posto sopra il vasetto, quindi prelevare il prodotto con la punta delle dita. Applicare la crema sul contorno occhi con una leggera pressione, iniziando dall’angolo interno degli occhi e proseguendo verso le tempie. In seguito, usare la perla in ceramica iniziando dall’angolo interno dell’occhio. Far scorrere la perla in ceramica rinfrescante attorno all’occhio per un massaggio anti-gonfiore.
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.