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Born In Roma Uomo

An outstanding tribute to Rome and its sunsets, Born In Roma Intense aims at exalting your magnificent personality, celebrating a night in the eternal city. The scent of this Born In Roma fragrance amplifies the Born In Roma addiction by pushing powerful vanilla infusion. This unsweetened and leathery note is intensified by the Heart of vetiver and lifted with a floral and aromatic freshness thanks to lavandin. This vibrating scent is a playful duel between an explosion of freshness and deep sensuality. Born In Roma Intense allows cool kids to express themselves with intensity and experience life with abundance and duality. This iconic duo playfully challenges the rivalry between day and night, classic and intensity and you and me.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Born In Roma Uomo

Born In Roma Uomo

125,00 €
  • An outstanding tribute to Rome and its sunsets, Born In Roma Intense aims at exalting your magnificent personality, celebrating a night in the eternal city. The scent of this Born In Roma fragrance amplifies the Born In Roma addiction by pushing powerful vanilla infusion. This unsweetened and leathery note is intensified by the Heart of vetiver and lifted with a floral and aromatic freshness thanks to lavandin. This vibrating scent is a playful duel between an explosion of freshness and deep sensuality. Born In Roma Intense allows cool kids to express themselves with intensity and experience life with abundance and duality. This iconic duo playfully challenges the rivalry between day and night, classic and intensity and you and me.
  • Capacity 100 ml
    Perfume concentration Eau De Toilette
    Width 7.95 cm
    Length 5.30 cm
    Brand Valentino
    Net weight 389.00 g
    Gross weight 389.00 g
    Country France
    Directions for use Apply on each pulse point - wrist, inner elbow and neck, from a short distance.
    Perfume concentration Eau De Toilette
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
  • Product information represented in the catalog is provided by Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma is not responsible for any discrepancies in their characteristics.