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La Cuvée

This wine comes from the purest grape juice and it alone allows Laurent-Perrier to craft “La Cuvée”, a champagne of great finesse and a beautiful freshness obtained after a long ageing process in our cellars. Laurent-Perrier’s style and personality are defined by its very high proportion of Chardonnay. Purity, freshness and elegance - essential characteristics, expressed in this champagne - are a good introduction to the spirit of the House.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
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La Cuvée

La Cuvée

54,00 €
  • This wine comes from the purest grape juice and it alone allows Laurent-Perrier to craft “La Cuvée”, a champagne of great finesse and a beautiful freshness obtained after a long ageing process in our cellars. Laurent-Perrier’s style and personality are defined by its very high proportion of Chardonnay. Purity, freshness and elegance - essential characteristics, expressed in this champagne - are a good introduction to the spirit of the House.
  • Type of wine champagne_brut
    Food recommendations Piatto di frutti di mare
    Designation Champagne
    Region Champagne
    To the eye Di colore oro pallido. Le bollicine fini alimentano una schiuma persistente.
    Capacity 75 cl
    Width 9.00 cm
    Length 9.00 cm
    Brand Laurent-Perrier
    Net weight 750.00 g
    Gross weight 1.74 kg
    In the mouth Fresco e delicato, con note di pesche di vigna
    e fiori bianchi
    On the nose Un naso delicato con accenni di agrumi freschi e fiori bianchi.
    Country France
    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.