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Lash Elevating Mascara

This gentle, long-wearing mascara with curling polymer sends lashes soaring and keeps them held up high all day. Lightweight mousse-like formula. Clump, flake and smudge resistant. Ophthalmologist tested so even sensitive eyes look bigger, brighter, boosted.Ophthalmologist Tested. Allergy Tested. 100% Fragrance Free. Safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. Works on all lash types. Sweat and humidity resistant. Easily removable. Formulated with lash-conditioning mamey seed oil.
Sold by: AeliaDutyFree
Lash Elevating Mascara

Lash Elevating Mascara

30,40 €
  • This gentle, long-wearing mascara with curling polymer sends lashes soaring and keeps them held up high all day. Lightweight mousse-like formula. Clump, flake and smudge resistant. Ophthalmologist tested so even sensitive eyes look bigger, brighter, boosted.Ophthalmologist Tested. Allergy Tested. 100% Fragrance Free. Safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. Works on all lash types. Sweat and humidity resistant. Easily removable. Formulated with lash-conditioning mamey seed oil.
  • Capacity 9 ml
    Beauty Hue Brightening Black
    Width 1.90 cm
    Length 1.90 cm
    Brand Clinique
    Net weight 23.00 g
    Country Canada
    Tint Brightening Black
    Directions for use • Iniziare dalla base delle ciglia e passare il pennello fino alla punta.
    • Per evitare grumi, lasciare asciugare il mascara tra un'applicazione e l'altra.

    Sold by AeliaDutyFree
  • Le informazioni dei prodotti rappresentate sul catalogo sono fornite da Aelia. Aeroporti di Roma non è responsabile per difformità sulle caratteristiche degli stessi.